Monday, May 7, 2012

I just realized that I haven't posted in almost a month!  Things have been so hectic!

I'm toughing it out for the last 2 finals I have for the semester... I am definitely ready for this semester to be over to summer can begin!  I move out of my apartment on Friday (very excited) and then headed back home for the summer!

The other day I was looking at potential job opportunities I may have when I start applying for jobs for after I graduate in December (crossing my fingers).  Most of them were not very exciting; apparently environment and safety go together in the workforce so it's a good thing I have experience with both.  I then came across a job for a paralegal working with an environmental lawyer.  Then I started thinking, if I'm going to be a paralegal I might as well be the lawyer and make a lot more money.  So my potential idea is to eventually go to law school in about 2 or 3 years, so I can get some workforce experience beforehand and save up some money.  There seems to be no better way to protect and preserve the environment than to actually be a part of the political world that determines the fate of the environment.  So one day I may be literally running (politically of course) for the environment.  Of course I won't know for sure my decision on this until after a year or two.  Updates will be posted.

So this summer I will be working on my PADI Divemaster training (this will be 2 years since I signed up for the course :( )  One part of the training is that I have to create an underwater map and what better place to do that than in Cozumel, Mexico!  I will be leaving June 4 and staying for a week- hopefully diving almost every day.  For other sections of my training I have to know all of the basic actions for Open Water divers and I have to be able to explain them in a way that pertains to a novice diver, so I may be using my friends as guinea pigs for that one!

Hopefully I will remember to update more during the summer.  No 5K's on the agenda as of right now, but hopefully there will be shortly.  I had family stuff for a week and then I was sick for a week so I have to build my endurance back up.

Til next time!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Running with Nature

Last week I was reading an article in one of my free running magazines (thanks to Active Advantage) about running without technology.  I started thinking, it is somewhat ironic that my blog is titled "Running for Nature" when I have been wearing an iphone, headphones, and a watch while running.  Shouldn't I be paying more attention to the nature that I am running for that is around me? 

So interestingly enough, this past weekend I went running at a park in Denton which to my surprise had a "nature trail".  The trail was actually really nice- it had a somewhat wide rocky path and then one-person trails that spread out all around it if you chose to be more adventurous.  Interestingly enough, this was at the same time I decided to go running without technology (including a watch).  But I took my cell phone with me just in case of an emergency (I am sometimes accident prone).  So I ran with Sully down the nature trail and we both really enjoyed it.  I already knew that by running without music you would be more in tune with your breathing and your body, but I really appreciated being able to be in sync with everything around me.  After running about a mile on the rocky path, I decided to be a bit more adventurous and take the dirt path.  I let Sully lead the way because I never knew which way to go when I came up to a forked path, and luckily he always knew. 

 So I have set a goal today: By May 31  I will run 6 miles.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So since my last post I just went running yesterday... so I have decided I need to stop waiting a week to run again because it is ruining my training!  So I'm about to go running tonight with Sully (hopefully he'll behave!)  I am going home for the weekend but I am determined to try to run somewhere in there!  Happy Easter!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 Mile Run!

I am very excited that I did a 4 mile run yesterday!  I even ran with Sully and he did really well!  I know I worked hard with I am sore afterwards. 

I probably won't run much over the weekend, but I will train hard until then!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Yesterday was an awesome day!

I got to sleep in for the first time in days, and then I ran errands with Sully until around 4.  I then took him to the dog park where he could get *most* of his energy out.  Then I went for a 3 mile run with him and he did MARVELOUS!  I was impressed!  I was also excited to find out that College Station has turned on all of their outdoor water fountains (who knows how long they have actually be on), so now I have a water stop!  The run was also the easiest 3 mile run I've had so far.  I felt like I could have run 5 miles!

So this week I am receiving my Aggie senior ring on Friday, and then having my ring dunk on Saturday!  For those who don't know what a ring dunk is, here is the wiki:  I also have 2 tests this week, so there may not be much blogging until the weekend!  But pictures to come!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So I have been training harder this week!  My next 5K, Run for Compassion, is on April 14 so I have plenty of time to get to where I need to be.  Running 3 miles is getting easier and easier, for that I am very thankful!  I am looking forward to getting to the point where I can run 4, 5, 6 miles! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's Day Dash Down Greenville 5K

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just got back from some St. Paddy's Day festivities.  I ran the Dash Down Greenville 5K at 8am, then watched the parade at 11.  I ran the 5K with one of my friends so it was more of a fun run than something serious (especially since I did not really train this week since I was in Pensacola)

My next race is April 14- Run for Compassion!  Still debating on if I want to do a 10K or not...

Here are some pics:

My sister who came for moral support

My friend Meghan and I

 A super cute dog name Bowser!