Monday, May 7, 2012

I just realized that I haven't posted in almost a month!  Things have been so hectic!

I'm toughing it out for the last 2 finals I have for the semester... I am definitely ready for this semester to be over to summer can begin!  I move out of my apartment on Friday (very excited) and then headed back home for the summer!

The other day I was looking at potential job opportunities I may have when I start applying for jobs for after I graduate in December (crossing my fingers).  Most of them were not very exciting; apparently environment and safety go together in the workforce so it's a good thing I have experience with both.  I then came across a job for a paralegal working with an environmental lawyer.  Then I started thinking, if I'm going to be a paralegal I might as well be the lawyer and make a lot more money.  So my potential idea is to eventually go to law school in about 2 or 3 years, so I can get some workforce experience beforehand and save up some money.  There seems to be no better way to protect and preserve the environment than to actually be a part of the political world that determines the fate of the environment.  So one day I may be literally running (politically of course) for the environment.  Of course I won't know for sure my decision on this until after a year or two.  Updates will be posted.

So this summer I will be working on my PADI Divemaster training (this will be 2 years since I signed up for the course :( )  One part of the training is that I have to create an underwater map and what better place to do that than in Cozumel, Mexico!  I will be leaving June 4 and staying for a week- hopefully diving almost every day.  For other sections of my training I have to know all of the basic actions for Open Water divers and I have to be able to explain them in a way that pertains to a novice diver, so I may be using my friends as guinea pigs for that one!

Hopefully I will remember to update more during the summer.  No 5K's on the agenda as of right now, but hopefully there will be shortly.  I had family stuff for a week and then I was sick for a week so I have to build my endurance back up.

Til next time!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Running with Nature

Last week I was reading an article in one of my free running magazines (thanks to Active Advantage) about running without technology.  I started thinking, it is somewhat ironic that my blog is titled "Running for Nature" when I have been wearing an iphone, headphones, and a watch while running.  Shouldn't I be paying more attention to the nature that I am running for that is around me? 

So interestingly enough, this past weekend I went running at a park in Denton which to my surprise had a "nature trail".  The trail was actually really nice- it had a somewhat wide rocky path and then one-person trails that spread out all around it if you chose to be more adventurous.  Interestingly enough, this was at the same time I decided to go running without technology (including a watch).  But I took my cell phone with me just in case of an emergency (I am sometimes accident prone).  So I ran with Sully down the nature trail and we both really enjoyed it.  I already knew that by running without music you would be more in tune with your breathing and your body, but I really appreciated being able to be in sync with everything around me.  After running about a mile on the rocky path, I decided to be a bit more adventurous and take the dirt path.  I let Sully lead the way because I never knew which way to go when I came up to a forked path, and luckily he always knew. 

 So I have set a goal today: By May 31  I will run 6 miles.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So since my last post I just went running yesterday... so I have decided I need to stop waiting a week to run again because it is ruining my training!  So I'm about to go running tonight with Sully (hopefully he'll behave!)  I am going home for the weekend but I am determined to try to run somewhere in there!  Happy Easter!  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

4 Mile Run!

I am very excited that I did a 4 mile run yesterday!  I even ran with Sully and he did really well!  I know I worked hard with I am sore afterwards. 

I probably won't run much over the weekend, but I will train hard until then!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Yesterday was an awesome day!

I got to sleep in for the first time in days, and then I ran errands with Sully until around 4.  I then took him to the dog park where he could get *most* of his energy out.  Then I went for a 3 mile run with him and he did MARVELOUS!  I was impressed!  I was also excited to find out that College Station has turned on all of their outdoor water fountains (who knows how long they have actually be on), so now I have a water stop!  The run was also the easiest 3 mile run I've had so far.  I felt like I could have run 5 miles!

So this week I am receiving my Aggie senior ring on Friday, and then having my ring dunk on Saturday!  For those who don't know what a ring dunk is, here is the wiki:  I also have 2 tests this week, so there may not be much blogging until the weekend!  But pictures to come!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So I have been training harder this week!  My next 5K, Run for Compassion, is on April 14 so I have plenty of time to get to where I need to be.  Running 3 miles is getting easier and easier, for that I am very thankful!  I am looking forward to getting to the point where I can run 4, 5, 6 miles! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's Day Dash Down Greenville 5K

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I just got back from some St. Paddy's Day festivities.  I ran the Dash Down Greenville 5K at 8am, then watched the parade at 11.  I ran the 5K with one of my friends so it was more of a fun run than something serious (especially since I did not really train this week since I was in Pensacola)

My next race is April 14- Run for Compassion!  Still debating on if I want to do a 10K or not...

Here are some pics:

My sister who came for moral support

My friend Meghan and I

 A super cute dog name Bowser!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pensacola Beach, FL Spring Break!

So I've been in Pensacola the last 3 days for spring break and it has been wonderful!  I LOVE the beach!  The drive was quite long (12 hours from College Station), but I have found it was totally worth it.  I actually came down here to (possibly) SCUBA dive, but the weather has not really cooperated with us.  It has been cloudy and windy the whole time we have been here and today is the first day it has become a bit warmer.  Sadly, we are leaving tomorrow! :( 

While I've been here, I have been pushing myself to run!  The hotel has a fitness center, so I ran on the treadmill on Sunday, and I just got back from running down the island and it was awesome!  I ran/walked some for about 2 miles, then walked along the beach for about 1 mile (trying to avoid the man-o-wars), and then ran the rest of the way back to the hotel (a total of 4.41 miles).  I really enjoy looking on each side of me and seeing the ocean!  I am hoping to be ready for my 5K on Saturday morning! 

Here is the map of where Pensacola Beach is:

Here a some pictures from the trip:

The view  from our balcony

Myself on the beach!

 The one time the sun came out!

Friday, March 9, 2012

So I've been a bit lazy since I ran the 5K on Sunday!  I also had a midterm this week so that didn't help much.

I just got back from running 2.66 miles.  I was a bit slow and it was tiring... so hopefully I will learn my lesson of not running for 4 days.  I am leaving for spring break to Pensacola tomorrow morning at 6am and I have already found a running route that I am going to use when I get there (hopefully- Google maps can only show so much).  I will continue to post while on spring break!  I am running the St. Patty's Day Dash Down Greenville 5K next Saturday in Dallas, which I am super excited about!  I roped a friend into doing it with me so we'll see how that goes! Hopefully she can keep up! (jk)

I am also going to register for a race that is on April 14 called Run for Compassion that is here in College Station and is benefiting the Compassion Child Survival Program (  I am then hosting a 3K/5K on the 15 called Race for the Reefs, which is benefiting the Nature Conservancy Adopt-A-Coral-Reef program and the Texas A&M Scuba Club ( or Let me tell you, hosting a run is not easy at all!  I still need about 50 more people to register!! If you know anyone in the Brazos Valley area, please let them know about the race!  There is then a 5K on April 21 called Footprints ( which should be fun!  My thought is, I should continue registering for runs so I keep training!! (and it works)

Until next time! :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Armadillo Dash 5K

Just got back not too long ago from the Armadillo Dash 5K! I have to say, it was tougher than I thought it was going to be, although I did just start training for it about 2 weeks ago. I thought to myself "no matter what I am not going to walk." I wanted to push myself and that is exactly what I did on this 5K. I was doing well until about 2 miles and then I really started struggling. The course had more hills than I had been training with (there aren't many hills in College Station). But I pushed through and as I was nearing the finish line, I could feel the burn! The only complication I ended up having was at the end I was wheezing some, but I was able to get my breathing under control and I started drinking some water to hydrate. My dad called me not long after I had finished and congratulated me on my 36 minute time! I was wearing a chip but I didn't know he could see my time immediately after I went through the finish line! Technology is amazing! Well here are some pictures from the race :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So I had a rough day yesterday and I had not gone running yet, so I knew by 9pm it was time to take my "anti-depressent" and head off to the Recreation center to run on the track. For the first time since I started training, I had a running buddy! I found that by having a buddy I jogged about 3 minutes faster than I normally do, and I was fine! But it seems that when I push myself really hard I get stomache cramps... and I am not really sure why. I searched on the internet and some people said it was too much fiber and fat or consuming dairy before a run. Anyone have any more ideas? My 5K is in 4 days and I am really excited that my Mom is coming down to visit me and cheer me on at the finish line! (And take pictures of course...) I am also deciding whether I want to do a 5K on March 17 or not, so I guess I will decide after my race this Sunday if I am up to it or not.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's been so long since I posted last! Here's the update! On Thursday I ran with my dog (Sully) and we went 2 miles! He actually did really well! So I continued to run with him. I ran with him yesterday for 1.66 miles and then again today for 3.2 miles. Today I decided, Okay, no matter how long it takes me I am going to get to that 3 mile mark! So I ran until I did! I actually went to a nice park (because I hate smelling the exhaust from cars while running down my street) and just ran through the woods back and forth (it was only about 1 mile around). I finally felt the runner's high! Which is good because there is exactly 7 days until my first 5K of the year! My goal this week is to eat a nutritional diet that will help me prepare for the race next Sunday. If anyone has any advice please let me know!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

So I just got back from my run, and I am disappointed because for most of it my left shin felt like it was on fire!  I kept stretching it out but it continued to burn.  I began to think it was that it needed to be stretched out more because by the end of the run it was feeling better... so lesson learned, I should get a really good stretch in before my run.  Other than that, I went 3 miles!  Yay!  Hopefully tomorrow my shin won't be hurting and I can run the full 3 miles. 

On another note, I am putting my Aussie mix dog Sully (he's 1 and a half years old) through dog training so that hopefully he can eventually start running with me!  He has so much energy he would love to go running.  

Here is another button I created...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fitness boot camp kicked my butt this morning!  I didn't sleep well and almost considered skipping boot camp this morning... but the motivation to keep training dragged me out of bed and off to the Rec.  It was definitely worth it.

My first 5k for my training is coming up on March 4, and I was thinking how I could somehow integrate my cause in my races.  So I will be creating buttons (which were $2 for a pack of 3 at Hobby Lobby) with different "logos" on them.  Here are some of my ideas:

Now I don't have Photoshop skills so I did use Paint to create these...  I would love to hear your opinions/ideas!

On another note, you may have wondered how you can help me on my journey...

As you know, I am training to run 26.2 miles to support the Nature Conservancy's work.

The Nature Conservancy is saving our most cherished places and protecting our resources to prepare for a future that sustains us all. We are racing against time to save these places and resources. We need them to survive. And that’s why I would appreciate your support towards my races by giving to The Nature Conservancy.

I've set my personal goal at $1000. So I'm hoping for your help to reach my goal. Any amount you'd like to donate will help. Consider supporting The Nature Conservancy’s work by donating:
$1/mile ($26.20)
$5/mile ($131.00)
$10/mile ($262.00)

And of course, you can give online safely and securely here.

Thank you for helping to make my journey to the finish line so meaningful. Your generosity will save our planet for generations to come.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Went out to run this morning at 7am!  I had a protein bar and headed out the door.  It was sprinkling a bit, which makes the run a little more exciting because I run faster to beat the downpour.  I have been trying to use training calendars in order to work up to a 5k, but they are all 9 + week programs, and I need to be ready in 2 weeks for my 5k!  So my activity today was to walk 10 min., run 8 min., walk 10 min. and that was it... which was not near enough running!  When I run on Friday I'll be sure to run more, walk less.

Some motivational pictures....

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just finished my first run with "Couch to 5K" and it went great.  I ended up running/walking 2.83 miles!  I really liked the RunKeeper app because it told me when my intervals were changing and all the stats as well.  My shoes were awesome as well :) I'm off to boot camp in the morning and then another run again on Wednesday!

You can view my stats from my run today here:

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." T.S. Elliot 

Some motivation...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I bought some new running shoes thanks to Luke's Locker in Dallas!  They sized my feet and looked at specific things I would need in a shoe based on how I run.  Getting new running shoes always makes me excited to go running again!

I joined last week and it has free training calendars which kindly alerts me every day what my activity is for the day, and I get deals on almost everything running related.  I also joined RunKeeper, which is an awesome app for my iPhone and on the web.  I can have a "street team"and we can see each other's stats and races we are running.  It also has a GPS tracking on it where it tracks the route you're running (or you can choose a route beforehand).  For an extra fee, I can join RunKeeper Elite which is a live broadcast of my running route and anyone can see it online (I would use this for a race).  

I am planning on going running tomorrow morning with my new running shoes and will post how it goes!

“Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.”

Friday, February 10, 2012

So the other day after publishing my blog, I received a text from one of my friends telling me what a great idea I have with this blog and that she is running a local 5K in March.  Of course, my first thought was that I was overexcited that some one had actually read my blog!  And then I went on to somewhat invite myself to run with her in the 5K.  We decided we would run together during the week (hopefully we can coordinate our schedules!) and we figured having some support would get us to our goals.  So I will somewhat be using the "Couch-to-5K" training in order to be ready (too) soon.

But on the topic of being ready, I have been going to fitness boot camp for the last 2 weeks and I have been loving it!  While we incorporate running into our work out routine, we have really only done one exercise where we ran a mile to determine our 1-mile run time.  Luckily we ran today!
I spoke to my Dad today asking him if he had read my blog of course, and I also asked him what kind of running shoes I should get.  So my goal for this weekend is to find some new running shoes!  He also told me that in order to run 26.2 miles in 3 hours and 35 minutes, I would need to run an 8 minute mile.  Even though it is only 4 minutes from my current time, I can only imagine how difficult it must be to eliminate those extra 4 minutes.  My Dad also suggested that I run with two of his experienced marathon running buddies (which is very intimidating) but I know it would be a great experience.  I went on to ask him if they went running at 4:00 in the morning (because he has been  known to do that frequently for as long as I can remember), and he said "No, 6am." and he went on to say "That is what it takes." And I know he is right.  Even though I have never been a morning person in my entire life, running in the morning is the best time of day.  My days are so busy that if I didn't get up to run in the morning I don't think I could find time.  So, through my 6am boot camp I will somehow merge over to being a morning person.  Somehow people do it right?

So on an end note, I have compiled a list of quotes that I will be posting around my apartment (and possibly my car) that will motivate me through my training.  Every time I make a post, I will be sure to incorporate a quote into it in hopes that it may motivate someone else.

All it takes is all you got.
--Marc Davis

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So you may wonder why this blog is titled "Running for Nature." 

Well yesterday I was looking through my Facebook feed (no surprise there) and came across a post by Nature Conservancy.  They were asking if anyone would like to represent the Conservancy as a part of the Boston Marathon this year.  Of course, I am nowhere near ready to run a marathon but I thought, what a great way to represent an organization that I am passionate about by running 26.2 miles!  In doing this I can spread the word about the great organizations that are such a strong influence in my life.  After this thought I texted my Dad asking how to train for a marathon (he is a very experienced marathon runner and I have always looked up to him for that.)  His first response was "seriously?"  And he went on to tell me how I can slowly build up my endurance to run 26.2 miles.

My goal is to be able to run the Boston Marathon of (hopefully) 2013.  Before I get there, I am going to run 5K's, 10K's, and half marathons until I am ready.  Now I don't know if ya'll knew this but the Boston Marathon requires a time qualification to be accepted into the race, and the time is 3 hours and 35 minutes (for women).  In thinking about marathons I question myself and think how am I ever going to run 26.2 miles in that amount of time, or run a marathon at all?!  This is where my blog begins.  Through this process I would really appreciate support, enthusiasm, and encouragement, because I am going to need it!

Here is my inspiration for the beginning of my training.